For clarification, this is not a CHA development, nor CHA housing. The project is subsidized by CHA to assist independent seniors through the Property Rental Assistance (PRA) program. PRA is a multi-year commitment for a given number of units to assist Chicago citizens to obtain housing stability. The 2017 published maximum income for a single-person household is $44,250. Households that benefit from PRA pay 30% of their income towards their rental expense.
In 1961 Dr. Margaret Burroughs and her husband founded the Ebony Museum for Negro History on the first floor of their home. The museum eventually grew out of their home at 3806 S. Michigan Ave. and in 1973 they moved their collection to Washington Park and became the DuSable Museum of African American History.
Students at Betty Shabazz Academy recently participated in the third annual Living Wax Museum at the school. Students were tasked with choosing a historical black
figure to research and portray at the event. The entire school participated in the Living Wax Museum, organized by Lisa Manuel, a teacher at Betty Shabazz Academy.
The assignment is school-wide and modified by grade level, according to Manuel.
Military BOOTS (Beyond, Objectives, Obstacles, Training Science) is being offered, by CAPs, at no cost to the student and prepares participants to pass the U.S. Military Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery (ASVAB) entrance exam. Students receive a minimum of 80 hours of intensive training to prepare for the ASVAB test and guidance on how to thrive in military life, according to a media release from CAPs.
Community leaders recently broke ground on a new Jewel-Osco coming to the northwest corner of 61st St. and S. Cottage Grove Ave. in Woodlawn. The 48,000 square foot store will provide quality food options to the neighborhood as well as a 24-hour pharmacy.
This is a rare project because it includes the construction of a new building on an empty lot and the restoration of two historic buildings on either side of the lot, according to the Pullman Artspace winter update on the project.
There has been an increase in motor vehicle theft in the second police district compared to last year, according to CPD’s week eight
CompStat report for District two. The CompStat report shows that for the month of February motor vehicle theft is up seven percent from
February of last year even though crime overall is down 15 percent for the month of February, compared to last year.
“The performance is Amazing African and it is based on West African drumming and dancing and acrobatic style dancing. It features one male dancer in several performances in addition to the drumming and music.
“This program invites guests with sensory needs,
including those with autism and who prefer a quieter
experience, to explore MSI at their own pace. We’ve been
hearing feedback from our guests who are interested in
exploring the Museum in this capacity, and we are very
excited to be able to offer a new way to discover all the
Museum has to offer,” said Katie Schweiger, manager of
specialized experiences at MSI.
“Fifty years out from the assassination of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., African- Americans are still dealing with the same issues Dr. King talked about,” said Harris. “We’re still dealing with incarceration. Our poverty rates have not changed much. More African-Americans are getting higher education, but there is still great disparity.
The Bronzeville Children's Museum located at 9301 South Stony Island in Chicago, Illinois will kick-off its 20th Year Anniversary Celebration with year long events.
During an African American Literary Festival, in partnership with the Soulful Chicago Book Fair, author Patience Kirkland, said she loves Angelou’s poetry and the way she worded her poems.
“Our overall goal for the program going forward should be to ensure that payments to hospitals follow services for Medicaid beneficiaries,” Hoffman said. “Dollars should be invested in a way that makes sure quality care is provided to those with limited resources, regardless of where they live.”
“The revitalization of critical neighborhood assets like the Whitney Young Library branch are paramount for our Chatham residents,” said Alderman Roderick Sawyer of the 6th Ward. “This investment in the library’s facilities and infrastructure will provide our patrons with safe learning and gathering spaces for the children and families of this community.”
DuSable Museum is a signature place on the south side of the City of Chicago. But this is a new DuSable Museum, a digital DuSable, and we want our
visitors, both onsite and online, to experience the new DuSable,” said Hall.