January 26, 2022
Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. addresses residents in an alley behind an apartment building on Chicago’s West Side. King came to Chicago in 1966 to
challenge slum conditions and racist policies. This historic moment was
captured by legendary photographer John Tweedle, the first African American photographer to be hired by a major metropolitan daily newspaper.
This and other rare photos of King taken by Tweedle are being offered
as NFTs by the Obsidian Collection to be sold in the NFT marketplace.
Obsidian Images.
Stories this photo appears in:

Obsidian Collection Offers Newly Minted NFTs of Rare Photos of Dr. Martin Luther King
The Obsidian Collection is evolving its consumer- facing digital photo portal, Obsidian Images, to offer NFTs of rare photographs of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. during his historic visit to Chicago in 1966. Captured by the legendary John Tweedle, the first African American photographer hired by a major metropolitan newspaper, the NFTs chronicle King challenging Chicago’s slumlords, institutional racism, and Mayor Richard J. Daley himself, as well as King speaking to a crowd at Soldier Field and a fundraiser for the movement at Chicago’s iconic International Amphitheatre that drew locals and celebrities alike, including Sidney Poitier, Harry Belafonte and Mahalia Jackson.