“It’s hard enough to be an entrepreneur, but it becomes that [much] more difficult when you don’t have relevant support,” she said. “So, in January 2017, I woke up in the middle of the night with an idea to begin a program focused on women of color.”
Come out Saturday and Sunday, October 28th and 29th to Mariano's Bronzeville locations at 3857 South King Drive in Chicago,IL from 12:00 noon until 4:00 p.m.
The Obama Foundation recently announced that it will invite 500 civic leaders from Chicago, the United States and across the world, to the upcoming Obama Foundation Summit on Oct. 31 and Nov. 1.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) provided funding to five national organizations from 2014- 2017, to combat chronic diseases in 94 urban and rural communities and helped 20 million people receive nutritious foods, physical activity and live in smoke-free environments.
“We recognized the need to not only provide workforce development skills but to take it one step further and give community residents on-the-job training where they earn a paycheck and develop skills for a career in a growing industry,” Dr. Byron Brazier, who is the Brazier Foundation Board Chairman and Chief Executive Officer said in a BSD press release.
During an upcoming annual presentation of Tchaikovsky’s The Nutcracker, Hyde Park School of Dance (HPSD) will display several genres of dance including ballet, modern
and hip hop. The performance will feature more than 175 dancers—from seven-year-olds to grandparents—supported by more than 100 volunteers. Performances are December 8–10 at Mandel Hall on the University of Chicago campus, 1131 E. 57th Street, Chicago.
United States Congressman Bobby L. Rush recently hosted his first Congressional District Military Academy Day and informed students and parents of the educational opportunities at the U.S. Service Academies.
He continued to highlight that CPL plans to partner with local community initiatives to increase adult education and digital literacy,
which is necessary in the 21st century.
One of the main purposes of Thornton Township’s Human Relations Commission is to bring diverse programs and activities to our residents,” said Ernst Lamothe Jr., communications director for Thornton Township.
The idea of a community baby shower arose after hospital staff learned the majority of expecting moms in the area either weren’t
planning baby showers or never had them.
The celebration begins Saturday, September 30, with an intergenerational conversation between Pulitzer Prize-winning writer Ta-Nehisi; his father, former Black Panther Paul Coates, founder of Black Classics Press; and Madhubuti.
Since 2013, the Village of Ford Heights has hosted a Double Dutch Tournament geared towards ending generational illnesses, restoring generational bonding and promoting positive community activities.