The Annie B. Jones Civic Arts Center is hosting a virtual viewing of its documentary “The Other Side of Chicago,” on Aug. 20 on YouTube.
The Annie B. Jones Civic Arts Center is hosting a virtual viewing of its documentary “The Other Side of Chicago,” on Aug. 20 on YouTube. PHOTO PROVIDED BY ANNIE B. JONES CIVIC ARTS CENTER.



A documentary depicting the positive aspects and resilience of the Black community has been making the rounds. “The Other Side of Chicago” is a documentary that was created by the Annie B. Jones Civic Arts Center. On Wednesday, Aug. 9th, the film was shown at Emagine Theatre, located at 210 W. 87th St.

The Annie B. Jones Civic Arts Center was founded by Dr.
Vivian R. Jones in April 1993. Jones started the organization
as a child welfare organization and felt Black youth needed more
culturally relevant programming. She wanted to put in place a
program that would serve the needs of the whole person and
the whole family. In the beginning, the organization provided
resource referrals.

“The reason Dr. Jones started the organization is that she wanted to address the gaps in service that was provided to our community. She knew there were many many gaps and she wanted to do something about it,” said Pastor Victoria C. Brady, the President and CEO of Annie B. Jones Civic Arts Center.

Brady, along with the Board, renamed the organization the Annie B. Jones Civic Arts Center from the Annie B. Jones Community Service. The mission, which is to help young people become change agents in their own community. It does this by offering young people a range of arts-based programming.

“The idea is to awaken in young people their ability to function
in their own community and their own village as stakeholders
and know they are a viable and very important part of the
community,” Brady said.

The goal is that the young people who participate in the
programs at Annie B. Jones will be engaged in their communities and take initiative and responsibility to make it the best it can be. The hope is to help people to be more empowered and that the empowerment will trickle to the next generation, which will break generational cycles of poverty and health issues.

“The Other Side of Chicago” was developed through ABJ’s Project Lift, which is a youth development program with the
goal of helping young people with inner healing, tranquility and peace. Project Lift was launched in 2022 as a violence prevention program. The hope is the young people who participate in the program experience what it feels like to be part of a village.

The film documents the journey of the young people who participate in Project Lift, the community and the other programs that exist within Annie B. Jones. Filming started during July 2022 and took a year to complete.

Brady also wanted the film to do away with the narrative that the only thing that happens in the Black community is people dying. While it does happen, Brady wants people in other places
to see that is not the only thing that happens in the Black community. She believes the negative light people see the Black community in, is intentional and she hopes that by showing more positive aspects, people will see the other side.

“Not only do we want to inspire people of all ages, we really
want young people to see this film. We want them to know
there is a village of caring warriors that are on the battlefield for
them everyday,” Brady said.

One aspect of the film Brady is proud of is the part about
the District 3 Police Station and the work of the clergy, police
and community. She believes that segment can point the community to a better way of working together with all the
stakeholders. People who have seen the documentary during
the private screenings have felt hopeful about the positive way Black Chicago was presented. The film will be available on YouTube at 7 p.m. Sunday, Aug. 20, on the ABJ Civic Arts
center channel.

For more information about Annie B. Jones Civic Arts
Center, visit abjchicago.org.

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