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On January 16, Martin Luther King Jr. Day, the Museum of Science and Industry is offering free admission for Illinois residents as its launches its annual Black Creativity program with a special Family Day. Explore the grand opening of the Juried Art Exhibition, which features more than 100 works of art from African-American artists, created by both students and professionals from Chicago and throughout the U.S. The Juried Art Exhibition at the Museum of Science and Industry features more than 100 dynamic works from African- American artists from around the country, including work from a dozen youth artists. A photo of the exhibit is shown here.

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WHAT: Stay warm with cool science at the Museum of Science and Industry, Chicago this winter. MSI is offering FREE Museum Entry to Illinois residents on select dates each week in January and February, starting January 10, 2017. Illinois residents receive free Museum Entry on the following dates: January 16-19, 24-26, 31; February 1-2, 7-9, 14-16, 21-23, 28. See more than 25 trains make the journey from Chicago to Seattle in the Great Train Story. Shake off cabin fever with a run inside a human-sized hamster wheel. Climb aboard a massive tractor and follow the fascinating journey of food and how it travels from the farm to your table. Peek inside the whimsical Colleen Moore’s Fairy Castle, complete with a pair of Cinderella’s tiny glass slippers.