Gov. Pritzker Proposes Cell Phone Ban Policy for Illinois Classrooms

Governor JB Pritzker
Governor JB Pritzker

Gov. Pritzker Proposes Cell Phone Ban Policy for Illinois Classrooms

Legislation would require school districts to adopt a wireless communication device policy

CHAMPAIGN -- Governor JB Pritzker recently joined Lt. Governor Juliana Stratton, teachers, school administrators, and municipal officials to propose a classroom cell phone ban in schools across Illinois. A key initiative mentioned in the Governor’s State of the State Address, the legislation would require all public school districts in Illinois to adopt a wireless communication device policy that limits the use of personal devices during class instruction time.

“It’s imperative that the state set students up to achieve their full potential – not just by investing in them, but by fostering a healthy and productive classroom environment,” said Governor JB Pritzker. “Study after study has demonstrated the benefits of a ban on classroom use of cell phones not just on student performance – but on overall health and wellbeing. This legislation will allow our teachers to focus on what matters most – delivering a quality education that opens up opportunity for kids across the state.”

"Learning environments where students can focus without digital distractions allow teachers to more effectively engage with their students and help them reach their full potential," said Lt. Governor Juliana Stratton. "Classrooms are sacred spaces, and should be held to the highest standards to support academic growth and social development in our students."

According to a Pew research study, 72% of high school teachers identified cell phone distraction as a “major problem” in their classroom. Similar policies have already been adopted by eight other states, and the initiative is proven to be widely popular, with 68% of adults in favor of in-class electronics bans. In Illinois, several school districts—in Champaign, Springfield, and Peoria—have already implemented policies limiting cell phone use.

This proposed bill would require districts to implement a ban on personal phone use during instructional periods, with the following exceptions:

In the event of an emergency or in response to an imminent threat.

When a teacher or instructor has authorized the student to use a wireless communication device for educational purposes—e.g. Chromebook use, technology-based activities, etc.

When a licensed physician determines that the possession or use of a wireless communication device is necessary for the health or well-being of the student.

To fulfill an Individualized Education Plan or 504 plan.

When the wireless communication device is necessary for students who are English learners to access learning materials, participate in class or otherwise facilitate communication.

The proposed policy is designed to enable districts to implement policies in a manner that best meets the needs of their individual school communities within the parameters of the policy. In order to prevent excessive punitive measures, enforcement of these policies via fines, fees, or ticketing, or via deployment of a School Resource Officer or a local law enforcement officer are prohibited. Through the policy, school districts will also identify guidelines for secure and accessible storage of wireless devices that prevents use, loss, and theft. School boards will also review the effectiveness of their district’s communication device policy at least every three years.

"We fully support this legislation to limit cell phone use in schools because it creates a more focused, engaging, and supportive learning environment,” said State Superintendent Dr. Tony Sanders. “The proposal minimizes disruptions, helps prevent cyberbullying, and encourages in-person social interactions among students, while preserving each district’s ability to design a local policy that works for their community’s needs. In addition to the academic benefits, this important move will help improve students’ mental health by reducing students’ exposure to social media during the school day. This is a smart, balanced approach to keep the focus where it belongs – on learning."

“Putting healthy boundaries around cell phone use in classrooms will have a positive effect on both students and teachers,” said Rep. Michelle Mussman (D-Schaumburg). “It’s important to help students of all ages learn the time and place to strategically separate themselves from certain electronic devices in order to be fully present in the moment and able to focus on the task at hand. Being able to recognize the psychological influence of unrestricted screen time and discern when it is better to create boundaries is a skill that will improve their mental wellbeing and productivity long into adulthood."

"I appreciate the fact that this legislation was crafted to be responsive to needs identified by classroom teachers and leaves the ultimate decisions on the device policy to the local school boards,” said City of Champaign Mayor Deb Feinen. “While it is important that our students are able to focus on learning while in the classroom free from device distraction, it is also important to allow each community to craft a policy that works within their District."

Support for this policy is aligned with Governor Pritzker’s commitment to prioritize initiatives that have a positive impact on Illinois’ working families and educational opportunities. In addition to the cell phone ban, Governor Pritzker is also proposing a direct admission program to streamline college admissions to public postsecondary institutions and save Illinois families money. The Governor is also proposing a policy to enable community colleges to offer 4-year degrees in key sectors to help meet workforce needs while making community college more accessible.

Additionally, the proposed FY26 budget includes historic investments for K-12 public schools and higher education to expand access to quality education for all of Illinois’ students. This includes investing an additional $350 million in the Evidenced-Based Funding (EBF) formula – bringing the total EBF program to $8.9 billion, which represents a $2.1 billion aggregate increase in funding during the Pritzker Administration.

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