Pappas mails first installment property tax bills to 1.8 million owners. More than 12,000 have already paid $64 million online.
Pappas mails first installment property tax bills to 1.8 million owners. More than 12,000 have already paid $64 million online.
Cook County Treasurer Maria Pappas has mailed nearly 1.8 million Tax Year 2024 First Installment property tax bills. Payments are due March 4, 2025.
The First Installment is 55% of the previous year's total tax. Exemptions that can reduce a property owner’s taxes are applied to the Second Installment.
“Each year more and more people use our website to pay their property tax bills online,” said Pappas. “People like the convenience of paying online and not having to come downtown to pay in person or write a check and pay for postage.”
To make a payment online, visit and follow these steps:
• Select the blue box labeled “Pay Online for Free.”
• Enter your address or 14-digit Property Index Number (PIN).
A picture of your property should appear so you’ll know you’re paying the correct bill. There is no fee to pay online from your bank account. The Treasurer’s Office accepts partial payments but First Installment taxes must be paid by March 4th to avoid a late charge of 0.75 percent per month, as mandated by Illinois law.
You can also use to:
• Search $122 million in available refunds.
• Check if you are missing out on $33 million in property tax exemptions, which lower your tax bill.
• Read the Pappas Studies, a series of research projects that include a 20-year history of Cook County property taxes.
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