For years Calumet City was best known for the many negative and horrified experiences of African Americans either being falsely detained or simply traveling through the 8-mile town. The numerous lawsuits, demonstrations, and other forms of protests against the previous mayoral administration and the police department are well documented.
Many observers and residents would have never imagined that an African American could ever be elected as Mayor. But in May of 2021, Thaddeus Jones was able to accomplish what many felt was impossible. Jones was overwhelmingly elected to a four-year term, but moreover he immediately began to change the narrative and implement the best in diversity protocols for the once maligned community.
Mayor Jones quickly changed the negative perceptions of the local government by appointing many top administrators who reflect the town’s population. In fact, the mayor was purposeful in establishing these protocols not only in ethnicity but gender as well. Today the vast majority of the top city administrators are African American and Hispanic. But what is even more impressive is that Mayor Jones has placed more women of color in high level positions than any other Mayor in Calumet City’s history.
But the Mayor has also balanced the diversity numbers by retaining many white administrators who were left over from the previous administration. In fact, both the current Police and fire Chief in Calumet City have remarkable resumes and are considered best in class professionals within the southland region.
All of this has led to racial harmony and a greater internal appreciation for cultural diversity awareness. Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion are better reflected throughout the government and there is an improved culture of awareness and appreciation throughout Calumet City that has led to a significant decrease in racial lawsuits, false arrests, and incidents of racially led violence.
Mayor Jones and specifically Alderman Anthony Smith, Alderman DeAndre Tillman, Alderman Ramonde Williams, and City Treasurer Gerald Tarka have all worked closely with the mayor to ensure that diversity and inclusion is at the forefront of Calumet City’s mission. Calumet City can now be regarded as not only a fiscally improved town but has now successfully moved beyond the ills of its past and has laid a racially balanced foundation for its future.
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