Powell Group Corporation Receives Support From HIRE360

Powell Group Corporation received support from HIRE360 to grow and expand
their business. It is launching PGC Doors in April. PHOTO PROVIDED BY RISE STRATEGY GROUP.
Powell Group Corporation received support from HIRE360 to grow and expand their business. It is launching PGC Doors in April. PHOTO PROVIDED BY RISE STRATEGY GROUP.

Powell Group Corporation Receives Support From HIRE360

By Tia Carol Jones

The Powell Group Corporation is truly a family business in every sense of the word. Tyrone E. Powell, Jr. his wife, Marceda, their sons, Tyvion W. Benson, Tyrone E. Powell III and AJ Shambery IV, and nephew, Bakari Simmons, all work together. The Powells received the support necessary to grow their business from HIRE360.

Tyrone E. Powell, Jr., Founder and President began the company in 2019 as Powell Painting and Decorating, in honor of his grandfather, who owned a successful painting business for 50 years. Powell participated in a program for small business owners and entrepreneurs at Related Midwest where they met with Yanet Garcia and Mark Goeden. Marceda Powell said that Garcia and Goeden are the Powell Group Corporation’s biggest champions.

HIRE360 helps Minority Owned and Women Owned Businesses (MBE/WBE) by providing capital, mentoring and resources so those businesses can expand recruitment and employment opportunities.

With the support from Related Midwest and HIRE360, the Powell Group Corporation went from being a small start up to making more than $3 million in 2023. One of the company’s projects is renovating the Chicago Housing Authority (CHA) affordable and senior housing through CHA’s Make Ready Program. Marceda Powell said the aim is to make beautiful living spaces for the seniors, not just replacing cabinets and floors. She said Powell Group Corporation takes pride in the work they do.

HIRE360 has given the Powell Group Corporation 4,000 square feet of warehouse for free for a year. It is where the company is going to launch PGC Doors.

“We really are so fortunate to have them (Mark Goeden and Don Biernacki) as mentors and as our champions and even our friends, at this point,” Marceda Powell said. “They are wonderful mentors and champions of small businesses.”

Tyrone E. Powell III serves as the superintendent of PGC. He is a carpenter by trade and Marceda Powell said that he is very passionate about the quality of the company’s work. She said because of his attention to detail, when they leave out of a unit, it is flawless. Tyvion W. Benson serves as the project manager. Marceda Powell said his personality is amazing and he can work with anybody, which is critical in the construction industry. She said he is organized and thorough. A.J. Shambery IV serves as the technology project manager and inventory control. Marceda Powell said that he is very intelligent and can problem solve. Bakari Simmons has a critical eye that helps the company during initial walk throughs, which helps them with proposals.

Marceda Powell said she and her husband are trying to create generational wealth. They want to leave to their children and their grandchildren, not just money, but skills.

“It’s not just the finances that are going to secure our grandkids’ future, it’s what you know. You need to know something, you need a skill, you need to add value,” she said.

Powell Group Corporation was recently approved by the Department of Defense to be a partner with its SkillBridge program, which provides a bridge between the military and civilian life. They will have their first service people start at the end of March. Marceda Powell hopes that the company can work with HIRE360 if the SkillBridge participants want to learn a skilled trade.

PGC Doors is set to launch sometime in April. For more information about the Powell Group Corporation, visit powellgroupcorporation.com.

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