DuPage County ACT-SO Launches an Exciting New Season
DuPage County ACT-SO Launches an Exciting New Season
ACT-SO Recruits and Promotes High Academic Achievement and Cultural Awareness Among African American High School Students to Develop Future Leaders
Bolingbrook, Ill. — DuPage County ACT-SO (Afro-Academic, Cultural, Technological, and Scientific Olympics) is excited to announce the opening of recruitment for the 2024-2025 season, aimed at showcasing the talents of underrepresented students of African descent. The season will officially kick off on Saturday, September 21st, offering students the chance to explore their interests, meet new friends, view past projects, and enjoy live performances.
As the cornerstone of the youth division of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP), ACT-SO serves as an “Olympics” of sorts, designed to highlight the academic and artistic talents of African American high school students. The DuPage County ACT-SO Program provides a platform for these students to develop their skills and gain recognition, culminating in the National NAACP ACT-SO competition.
Students can compete in 31 categories: STEM, Business, Humanities, Performing Arts, and Visual Arts. Local gold medalists advance to the National ACT-SO Competition, where they compete for monetary awards and prizes. DuPage County ACT-SO, an Illinois branch of the NAACP, prepares students for the national competition through a comprehensive 7-month enrichment program, which includes professional mentoring, college and career readiness, and competition preparation. The program’s primary goals are to promote high academic achievement and cultural awareness among African American high school students while cultivating the next generation of leaders.
ACT-SO is designed to be a rich learning experience. The program’s enrichment and mentorship components offer students valuable tools for their education and substantial support in developing their ACT-SO projects. Students work closely with mentors throughout the year, exploring careers in 33 subject areas within the sciences, humanities, business, and the arts. They also participate in enrichment activities such as workshops and tutorials.
Families interested in enrolling can register online at DuPage ACT-SO Online Registration and attend one of the virtual orientation sessions to learn more about the program’s benefits. Orientation dates are:
September 9, 2024 (7:00 PM)
September 11, 2024 (7:00 PM)
The National ACT-SO program has positively impacted nearly 300,000 young people across more than 200 communities nationwide, offering mentorship in various fields. Since its inception 46 years ago, ACT-SO has helped shape the career paths of many African American students. Notable alumni include Angela Rye, Anthony Anderson, Kanye West, Leslie Odom Jr., Michelle Williams, Alicia Keys, Lauryn Hill, and Jada Pinkett-Smith.
The continued success of the DuPage County ACT-SO program is made possible by partnerships with Argonne National Laboratory, Fermilab, B-Unity, and Lewis University.
For more information on registration and volunteer opportunities, visit dupageact-so.org.
Connect with DuPage ACT-SO:
Facebook: DuPage ACT-SO
LinkedIn: DuPage ACT-SO
Business, Arts, and STEM Excellence (B.A.S.E.) is the 501(c)(3) organization that supports the DuPage County ACT-SO program. DuPage County ACT-SO was founded in 1979 by Earnest and Carolyn Gibson, both of whom served as Presidents of the DuPage County Branch of the NAACP. The 7-month enrichment program features leadership development sessions, one-on-one mentorship, and service activities, culminating in an academic competition and Awards Banquet in March. Local gold medalists then compete in the National ACT-SO Competition held during the NAACP's Annual Convention in July.
Founded in 1978 by renowned author and journalist Vernon Jarrett, NAACP ACT-SO was created because there were few opportunities to recognize the talents of students of African descent. ACT-SO was intended to provide a platform, often reserved for entertainers and athletes, to showcase the academic, scientific, and artistic achievement of young people.
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