Program Helps Young People Learn Skills That Turns Into Careers

Savion Mitchell discovered he had a passion for skilled manufacturing and is now a full-time machinist at S&C Electric Company. Photo provided by Avoq.
Savion Mitchell discovered he had a passion for skilled manufacturing and is now a full-time machinist at S&C Electric Company. Photo provided by Avoq.

Program Helps Young People Learn Skills That Turns Into Careers

By Tia Carol Jones

Savion Mitchell participated in Career Launch Chicago while he was a student at Prosser Career Academy. The program provides junior and seniors in high school an opportunity to work toward a trade while they are still in school. Mitchell chose S&C Electric Company because he was interested in manufacturing, which happened because he was taking shop in school.

Mitchell has been hired full-time at S&C and works as a machinist. He intends to enroll in the Work Elements program, which provides on-the-job training for full-time employees to expand their knowledge and specialize their skills. Being at S&C is great for Mitchell because he loves doing labor intensive work.

S&C Electric Company, which is located in Rogers Park, manufactures and invents grid technology for utilities and companies across the country. In its mission to recruit young local talent, S&C has prioritized job training and youth hiring since 1967. Since 2023, more than 40 students have completed the job shadow program, more than 200 students have completed campus tours at S&C, and more than 200 students have worked paid summer jobs. S &C hired 14 students this summer and two students will participate in a year long wiring apprenticeship program in the fall.

Mitchell said he continued at S&C after completing the program and graduating from Prosser because he realized he was given a great opportunity.

“I realized this wasn’t just a job, I have a career at S&C Electric. They’re a great company, they invest in their people and the benefits are amazing, as well,” he said.

Mitchell said he feels like he has a great future at S&C. While there have been ups and downs, his experience has been a good one with the company. He wants to stay at the company and learn and grow as a machinist. He also wants to pass on the knowledge he has gained to the younger generation.

While Mitchell wasn’t aware of careers in machine manufacturing before he started taking shop class and got exposed to that part of the industry, he is glad he did his research. He encourages other young people who are given the opportunity to participate in a program that involves the skilled trades to do it. He knew he didn’t want to go to college, but he wanted to have a good career and found that doing a trade would allow him to have a career.

“It’s a blessing. I’m not stressed about where the money is going to come from. I don’t fear about where my income is going to come from. I know I have a secure job. It brings a peace and calmness over my life,” he said.

Mitchell’s favorite part of his job is the people. While they smile and laugh everyday, they get their work done. He said it is a community and there is not a lot of places where he has been able to feel that.

For more information about S&C Electric Company, visit

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