What are you willing to RISK

What are you willing to RISK

Todays citizens recognize the fight for civil rights and liberties was a hard fought often violent battle of people against individuals and institutions of power. That recognition is often accompanied with veneration and respect. Rarely is it accompanied with a claiming of duty, action, or commitment to work towards the preservation, let alone the extension, of those rights.

Heading into 2025 with a new President in office the question at the top of mind must be, what are we willing to put on the line, what are we willing to risk? What are churches and institutions of faith willing to risk? Presently, the visible Christian movement on display in this country is that of Christian Nationalist. The “Church” that has emerged in recent years has lauded individuals and policies that run counter to Bible based teachings, chief among them the call to love thy neighbor.

Yet, this depiction is completely untethered from the lived reality of many practicing Christians, faith-based institution, and churches who work earnestly to care for one another, their neighbors, and the world around them. The disconnect between the very public face of US Christianity and the private community based Christian living is an indictment on all Christians. But also an opportunity.

This is an opportunity to restore the Church’s legitimacy, push for true liberation, and right the relationship to the larger community and country. In Titus 1:16 (NIV) it reads “They claim to know God, but by their actions they deny him. They are detestable, disobedient and unfit for doing anything good.” This is a warning for all Christians that the silent allowing of the paint brush of the loud few to wash over the entire body is to court the moniker of the unfit.

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