After 11-month review, independent judge tells ICC Commissioners

After 11-month review, independent judge tells ICC Commissioners

Peoples Gas pipe replacement work should move forward

CHICAGO — A filing made today in the Illinois Commerce Commission’s (ICC) review of Peoples Gas work to replace rapidly corroding energy pipes beneath Chicago’s streets says the critical safety program needs to continue. The filing is called a “Proposed Order.” It was filed by an independent judge, who also says the plan for construction that Peoples Gas put forth is the best and most cost-effective option for ensuring safety.

Peoples Gas has been working to replace Chicago’s underground energy pipes, which date back as far as the 1800s. The ICC paused the work last year to conduct a review. The independent judge studied all evidence and expert testimony and concluded the pause on the work “should be lifted.”

The judge’s Proposed Order notes testimony from ICC safety engineers that says “the longer leak-prone pipe remains, the greater the risk of a catastrophic event that may endanger life and property.” The judge recommends Peoples Gas aim to complete all work by 2035.

“The conclusions of this independent judge are consistent with what the ICC’s own expert staff, a world-renowned engineering firm, and our own construction crews have been seeing for years,” said Bill Mastoris, president — Peoples Gas. “It is critical for safety, and for the reliability of Chicago’s heating system, that this very old system be modernized.”

A modernized system also will enhance environmental sustainability by stopping leaks, enabling the ongoing delivery of renewable natural gas, and positioning Chicago to use clean hydrogen and other emerging decarbonization technologies.

The ICC is expected to review the Proposed Order and make a final decision about the infrastructure work in January 2025.

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