Harvey’s Newly Elected 2nd Ward Alderman is connecting the dots to Build a Better Harvey
That movement sparked Chapman’s interest in philanthropy and she realized that it was her calling to be a connection and a resource for all people. She expanded her movement, Penny Up, to include financial literacy.
Chapman also comes from a family that has been immersed in engaging the Southland community for years. She credits her father, mother and aunt with inspiring her to become a public servant and to work for her community.
In 2019, Chapman had the opportunity to run for the 2nd Ward Aldermanic seat in the City of Harvey. While she came up short in her first attempt, she said: “In the words of Aaliyah, if at first you don’t succeed, dust yourself off and try again.” She ran again in the 2023 Municipal Elections and won her race.
“I, too, just want to be a role model for young Black and Brown women, young boys and girls, and families near and far. You can do anything you put your mind to, as long as you’re dedicated,” she said.
Chapman grew up in Harvey and chose to stay there because she wants to be part of the change she knows is possible for the city.
Chapman’s vision for Harvey is for it to leverage its transportation and logistic infrastructure and immerse itself in the opportunities that exist within that industry. She said the City of Harvey was founded as a place where families could have a safe community with good education opportunities.
“I see us getting back to our strong roots. I truly believe we can get back to what the founding members of our community decided to go forth on. I want to get back to us being a holy city, a place where connection, community, camaraderie and change takes place on a daily basis,” she said.
Chapman sees the city of Harvey being everything that it needs to be for the Southland and honing in on its transportation, distribution and logistic infrastructure, while being a model city for the surrounding communities. She believes it will take transparent leadership to get Harvey to the place she envisions. She wants the community to know what’s going on, how it’s going on and where it’s going on. She also wants transparency when it comes to how funds are being spent in the city.
“I want to usher in that care and concern in our community. I want people to see the difference when they elect Colby Chapman, they’re getting a new opportunity to gain trust in someone. Someone who will be open and communicative, someone who will stand on the front lines and stand up for what’s right,” she said, adding she wants the community to hold her accountable for her actions.
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