The CVS Alumni Association supported the Chicago Vocational High School’s Athletic Department with a 5K walk and run. Photos provided by Melanie Brown
The CVS Alumni Association answered the call from the high school’s athletic department for support by hosting a 5K run and walk to raise funds. The Association was able to raise $5,000 which it will donate to the athletic department.
of the CVS Alumni Association, about some of the needs that the department had.
athletes to let them know, ‘hey, we’re here to support you.’ We know how important athletics is to their high school experience.”
and senior student athletes were affected the most because that were not able to play or been seen by college recruiters. Those students had to pivot and did so in really creative ways that included sending out videos of themselves working out
to the colleges.
the football team $2,000 and give the basketball team $2,000, with the rest going to the athletic department to decide how to spend it. The hope is that as time goes on, other sports and
athletics in the building will receive support from the Alumni Association.
step in and aid in this so we can be the dominant Alumni Association in the city,” Brown said.
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