Timuel Black, activist, educator and historian, passed away at 102 on Oct. 13. Photo provided by the University of Chicago.
American movement, died at the age of 102.
October 11th. He was a trusted advisor and dear friend. We worked closely on education issues as he was a member of the DuSable High School Alumni Coalition. He was the driving force behind the landmark designation
of the school. One of my proudest moments as Alderman was passing legislation that created a street sign in his honor on 49th and State Street. I was humbled that he enthusiastically served as a Chairman of my campaign for Illinois Secretary of State. My sincere condolences to his wife, Zenobia, and all who loved and admired him. We lost a pillar of our community today. His legacy will live on,” 3rd Ward Alderman Pat Dowell
said in a statement.
four bronze battle stars. He was part of the Normandy invasion, he fought in the Battle of the Bulge, and visited the Buchenwald concentration camp, in Germany. Black attended Burke Elementary and DuSable High School. In 1952, he graduated from Roosevelt University with a Bachelor’s Degree
in Sociology, and received his Master’s from the University of Chicago in 1954.
University and lectured at DePaul University and Columbia College.
In addition to his work in activism, he had a long history in politics. He’s ran for public office several times, including Chicago’s 4th Ward Alderman, State Senator of the 22nd district, and State Representative of the 22nd district.
Wednesday, Dec. 5, at Rockefeller Chapel, located at 5850 S. Woodlawn.
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