Negotiations are underway for the Robbins Police contract

Village of Robbins Mayor Darren Bryant during a press conference on Monday, Oct. 5, to announce the Village was in the process of negotiating a contract with Robbins Police Department Officers through Illinois Council of Police. Photos by Tia Carol Jones
Village of Robbins Mayor Darren Bryant during a press conference on Monday, Oct. 5, to announce the Village was in the process of negotiating a contract with Robbins Police Department Officers through Illinois Council of Police. Photos by Tia Carol Jones

 Negotiations are underway for the Robbins Police contract


The Village of Robbins is in negotiations with the Illinois Council of Police for a contract for the Village’s police officers after officers called off on Friday, Oct.1st. On Tuesday, Oct. 5th, the officers were back at work with a new Village of Robbins Police Chief being sworn in.

A contract for the Robbins Police Department expired in early 2020, under the previous administration. the Illinois Council of Police (ICOPS) filed an unfair labor practice for the Village refusing to negotiate. Since 2019, Illinois Council of Police had
been asking for the Village to talk about the contract.

During a press conference on Monday, Oct. 4, Robbins Mayor Darren E. Bryant ensured residents that safety of the Village was the No. 1 Priority. Bryant assured residents the streets of Robbins were safe due to the efforts of the Cook County Sheriff ’s Department, which responded to calls. During the weekend, the Cook County Sherriff ’s Department covered for the Robbins Police Department.

Richard Blass, who represents the Illinois Council of Police, had confidence that Bryant would sit down at the table with ICOPS to
negotiate a contract. “My administration is determined to bring resolution to this scenario,” Bryant said.

“The health, safety and welfare of the Robbins community
and that of my police officers that I represent are of the utmost concern. I feel that we’re going to be able to balance the needs of the police officers to be able to do their job, that I represent.
I am hopeful that we can sit down and come to an agreement as far as the working conditions, wages and terms and the conditions of employment, pursuant to the Illinois Labor Relations
Act,” Blass said.

Blass is confident that the renewed relationship with Bryant’s administration, both parties could move forward. Part of the unfair labor practice comes from the belief that the officers are underpaid, with holidays and other working conditions. There
are some improvements that can be made within the department. Incremental changes were being made but then all communications shut down.

Bullet proof vests expired on Oct. 5th, the President of the Robbins Police Union, Hurman Mathis, informed ICOPS that vests were purchased.

At the Oct. 5th meeting the list of demands, which centered on wages, the working conditions and the terms and conditions of
employment, were submitted. Now ICOPS will go back and revise the proposal and both parties will meet again on Nov. 1st.

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