Monet S. Wilson has been elected as the first Black woman Alderman in Calumet City. Wilson said she wanted to run for Alderman of 2nd Ward because she wanted to see the Ward and the entire city get the representation it deserved. Photos provided by Monet S. Wilson
Monet S. Wilson has been elected as the first Black woman Alderman in Calumet City. Wilson said she wanted to run for Alderman of 2nd Ward because she wanted to see the Ward and the entire city get the representation it deserved. Photos provided by Monet S. Wilson

Alderwoman makes history in Calumet City

     Monet S. Wilson made history when she was elected as the first Black alderwoman of Calumet City in April. Wilson will represent the 2nd Ward in Calumet City, succeeding Mary Bethe Swibes, who was appointed in 2019.
     Wilson said she is a child of politics, her mother, Maureen Forte`, is an elected official in East Hazel Crest. She said growing up, her mother had a hand and foot in politics and made sure she led a life that benefitted the average person. She said she learned from her mother’s example.
     Wilson said she had no desire to become a politician and still doesn’t consider herself a politician, even though she is an elected official.
     “Basically, exclusion and inequity created me as a leader. Living in Calumet City for 21 years and not seeing the residents of my ward, or Calumet City, as a whole, really being represented, started to really play havoc on my mind,” she said.
     Wilson said she saw great neighbors, who she considered friends, lose their homes because they could not find employment in the city where they lived. She also saw Calumet City losing businesses at an alarming rate. Then, Wilson said she started to see nepotism on a level that was, as she described it, “insane.”
     Wilson continued: “I am hopeful that the election of Mayor Jones does help us progress in the direction that is needed for Calumet City. Change isn’t going to be easy, it isn’t going to happen overnight but it is necessary because if we stand where we were, we’ll never grow. We are surrounded by towns that are advancing and we are at a standstill. And, I really believe under the leadership of Mayor Jones, we’ll see some changes,” she said.
      Wilson said it feels fantastic to know she is a part of history. She was in the local Walgreens and someone recognized her as the first Black alderwoman. She said people started to applaud her. She said she is still in shock. She continued, after 128 years, they are still seeing “firsts” and added that she may be the first Black alderwoman, but she “certainly won’t be the last.”
     Wilson said as it pertains to her Ward, she would like to see an increased effort on behalf of the council in approving hiring for the Calumet City Police Department. She said her ward has a great tax base of homeowners and renters, who are gainfully employed.
     “They bring that income to the ward and the city as a whole. A lot of my ward shops outside Calumet City, a lot of my ward owns their own business[es]. I would like to see us advocate for the residents, as well as pour into the tax base to keep them here. I want to see a presence where they know they are safe,” she said.
     Wilson said some of the most expensive homes in Calumet City are in the 2nd Ward and some of the highest taxes are in the 2nd Ward, which she said is a problem.
   “I see economic development and a renewal of our ward that filters into every ward of Calumet City. I don’t think we can take it on a ward-to-ward basis, the whole city needs an overhaul,” she said.
     On April 30, the old regime was out in Calumet City. And, on May 1, the new regime, headed by Mayor Thaddeus Jones took office. Wilson said she has not heard from her predecessor or the former mayor. She said the 4th Ward Alderman, 5th Ward Alderman, 7th Ward Alderman, along with the City Clerk, called to congratulate her. She said the day after the election, Mayor Thaddeus Jones called to congratulate her.
     “I want people to give history a chance. When I say history, I’m speaking of the first Black Mayor Thaddeus Jones and the first Black alderwoman in myself. Give us an opportunity,” she said. She also thanked the residents of her ward for truly having her “back” adding that the residents have called to pray for her and she is blessed by that.
    “Calumet city is witnessing historic change in government with the election of Monet Wilson being elected as the first African American woman elected as 2nd Ward Alderman. As Mayor, I am looking forward to rebuilding Calumet City alongside Alderwoman Wilson to turn the page for our city and residents,” Mayor Jones said in a statement.

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