Ark Entrepreneurial Center partners with the Citizen Newspaper Group to prepare young moguls for the Black Women’s Expo
Dr. Noah Nicholson II, President of The ARK and Pastor of The Family Worship Center, as well as President/CEO of Global Investments, teaches the children about Stock Investing and Leadership
Development. Photos by Nicole Ashley Gee
Sunny Davis Nicholson wanted to create a place where young people would learn skills that would set them up for future success. Davis Nicholson started Ark Entrepreneurial Center, located at 2458 S. Millard Ave. She describes it as a youth business school.
Davis Nicholson is excited about the stock investment classes. Children learn about investing and using the money they earned while working with One Summer Chicago and the Free Lunch Academy.
Children who are in the program will be at the Black Women’s Expo, which is set for Aug. 20-22, at McCormick Place. Some will have their own booths where they will sell their goods and the others will represent the Citizen Newspaper Group as mini bosses. They will demonstrate the different aspects of operating a newspaper such as publishing, marketing, and distribution. We are excited for this unique opportunity to partner with the Ark Entrepreneurial Center and to be able to donate our booth to foster the skill sets of young future business entrepreneurs, said Garth. Being a past foundation executor, we found that it was vital to strike the attention of children at an early age versus getting them at a more advanced age. The children have been busy learning about the history and mission of the newspaper. The children are ready for their first day as future publishers.
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