Chicagoans Mourn The Loss of Christ Universal Temple Own Rev. Dr. Helen Carry

Rev. Dr. Helen Carry
Rev. Dr. Helen Carry

Chicagoans Mourn The  Loss of  Christ Universal Temple Own Rev. Dr. Helen Carry

     On Thursday, April 8, 2021, our beloved teacher, former Executive Minister and spiritual mother, the Reverend Dr. Helen Ward Carry, made her transition. We lovingly hold her up in prayer as we release her into the grace, peace, and harmony of God's presence.
     “Little children, let us love, not in word or speech, but in truth and action.” 1 John 3:18 (NRSV) Referred to as the Teacher of Teachers and a Living Legend of the New Thought Christian Community, Rev. Dr. Helen Carry was drawn to Christ Unity Temple in 1970 where Rev. Dr. Johnnie Colemon was senior minister. By 1974, Rev. Dr. Carry developed and directed the Johnnie Colemon Institute (JCI), while assisting with the creation of church systems that are still being successfully implemented decades later. The Johnnie Colemon Institute remains the teaching arm of Christ Universal Temple (CUT).
      It was Rev. Dr. Carry’s proven dedication to the study of Truth Principles and divine appointment that prompted Rev. Colemon to assign Rev. Carry as her assistant in 1976. Rev. Carry was later ordained as a Universal Foundation for Better Living (UFBL) minister in 1980 and became an assistant minister at Christ Universal Temple. In 1982, Rev. Colemon sent Rev. Carry to Miami to train and assist the Rev. Mary Tumpkin with the development of the new church, Universal Truth Center.
      Rev. Dr. Helen Carry was an iconic spiritual teacher, leader, and mentor. She taught the importance of mastering your subject matter and always being in divine order. Rev. Carry taught through her classroom and more importantly, through her example and commitment, how a minister should serve humanity. She not only taught standards of excellence, she planted the seed within each person she met. Rev. Carry’s teachings and leadership is sewn into the tapestry of CUT and UFBL.
      “Everything I experienced prepared me for my work with Johnnie who brought me into her vision of an institution that devoted itself to teaching spiritual principles of better living based on the teachings Jesus lived and taught.” Rev. Dr. Helen Ward Carry.

    On behalf of the entire Christ Universal Temple Family, thank you for saying yes to God. Your "yes" was a blessing that enabled countless numbers of us to learn to live better. Thank you for overcoming the daily challenges of a complex industry, and still dedicating yourself to achieving the mission, vision, and purpose of Christ Universal Temple. Thank you for the guidance you gave us as we were learning to grow. Thank you for knowing in your heart that what you accomplish in school is worth it all and then some. Thank you for giving people the confidence and courage to follow their dreams. Those of us who sat at your feet are all the better for it and the world is a better place because of you.
     Words do not accurately capture your strength, tenacity, heart, or greatness. You taught us well and we will continue to demonstrate the love and commitment you modeled.

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