Rob Rose, Executive Director of Cook County Land Bank Authority, Appointed to Fannie Mae’s Affordable Housing Advisory Council

Robert Rose
Robert Rose

Rob Rose, Executive Director of Cook County Land Bank Authority, Appointed to Fannie Mae’s Affordable Housing Advisory Council

Fannie Maerecently appointed Robert Rose, executive director of Cook County Land Bank Authority, to a two-year term as a member of Fannie Mae’s Affordable Housing Advisory Council.

The Council, which is established in Fannie Mae’s Affordable Charter Act, brings together leaders from different segments of the housing industry, along with Fannie Mae’s senior management, to collaborate and share ideas on how best to support the creation and sustainability of affordable housing. Council members represent a variety of perspectives and are from for-profit and non-profit organizations, single-family and multifamily lenders, public and private entities, academia and housing policy organizations.

“To be able to work with other leaders from around the country to find solutions to the nation’s affordable housing crisis is indeed an honor,” Rose said. His appointment to the council is effective Jan. 1, 2020.

Rose joined the Cook County Land Bank Authority in March 2015. He manages a 13-person staff, the daily activities of the Land Bank and the Land Bank’s multi-million dollar budget. Prior to leading the Land Bank, Rose was chief operating officer of the Chicago Community Loan Fund from 2012 to 2015. And in 2010, he managed a $170 million loan portfolio as director of Commercial Real Estate for Urban Partnership Bank. Rose has an MBA from Cornell University in Ithaca, N.Y., and an undergraduate business degree from St. Edward’s University in Austin, Texas. He and his family reside in suburban Cook County.

The Cook County Land Bank Authority, an independent agency of Cook County, was founded by the Cook County Board of Commissioners in 2013 to address residents and communities hit hard by the mortgage crisis. CCLBA gives local developers, community groups and potential homeowners the tools to transform their own communities from within.

The Land Bank acquires properties that have sat tax‐delinquent, abandoned and vacant for years and sells them at below‐market rates to qualified community‐based developers, who then rehab the properties. This approach not only keeps revenue and jobs in the community, but it also helps localdevelopers grow their businesses. Learn more about the Cook County Land Bank Authority at or call 312-603-8015.

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