Congressman Rush hosts tele-townhall on Coronavirus
Congressman Rush hosts tele-townhall on Coronavirus
United States Congressman Bobby Rush, D-Dist. 1, hosted a telephone Town Hall meeting with his constituents to hear their concerns about the coronavirus, COVID-19.
Dr. Terry Mason, chief operating officer of the Cook County Department of Public Health, and Dr. Brian Patrick Monahan, attending physician for the United States Congress, were also on hand to answer questions.
Questions during the Telephone Town Hall ranged from where to get a coronavirus test, what is being done to produce more masks, how are families being helped, as well as how long the virus can stay on surfaces.
Rush said the simple ways to stop the spread of the virus include washing hands with soap and water, avoid touching your eyes, nose and your mouth, stay home when you are sick, except when you are receiving medical care.
“Practice social distancing by avoiding mass gatherings and maintaining proper distance from others, especially from those who are sick; six feet is the recommended distance you should try to implement,” he said. “Cover your cough or sneeze with a tissue and throw the tissue in the trash; use your elbow, even better than tissue; clean and disinfect frequently touched objects and surfaces by using a regular household cleaning spray or wipes.”
One caller asked about how Congress is helping people who are unable to work or have to stay at home to take care of family members. Rush said Congress introduced the Families First Coronavirus Response Act, HR6201, which was passed on Thursday, March 18.
“This bill expands the eligibility criterium and coverage for family medical leave, for unemployment insurance and for nutrition assistance programs like SNAP and WIC. I also wrote a letter to the major credit card companies urging them to stop collecting interest and late fees during this pandemic. Additionally, negotiations are currently on the way for a third package to ensure our health care workforce has what it needs to continue to work and ameliorate service to our constituents,” he said. “Moreover, I am committed to ensure that all workers are protected from the loss of a paycheck and no family falls into financial ruin because of this pandemic. We will achieve this by putting money directly into individuals’ hands who need it the most.”
One caller asked about where to get a free coronavirus test. Mason said to his knowledge, there was not a place to get a free coronavirus test by just walking in and asking to get one. In most cases, he said, you need a doctor’s order or a doctor’s permission to get the test ordered for you.
Rush said under the Families First Coronavirus Response Act, there would be coronavirus testing for everyone who needs one, including the uninsured, free of charge.
Another caller talked about the shortage of masks and rubber gloves and asked where to find these supplies. Rush said the federal government and President Trump have been working to make sure that these items will be manufactured on a larger scale. Mason added that at one time, people could find the N95 masks in paint stores but now, N95 masks and surgical masks are in short supply.
Monahan addressed a caller’s question about how long the virus can stay on surfaces and if the kind of surface makes a difference. On porous surfaces, like carpet, fabric on chairs or cardboard, the virus “lasts only a short time,”
Monahan said, “perhaps one to two days at the most.” On hard surfaces, such as countertops or on cell phones, the virus “could persists, in some instances, for many days,” he added. He said
one study showed where the virus could last for 7 to 8 days. Monahan also suggested using cleansing wipes, like the kind you find in the store, to wipe down common surfaces in your home.
For more information, contact the Cook County Department of Public Health hotline 708-633-3319. The hotline is open for questions from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Monday through Friday.
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