Residents Give Thanks Pullman’s Renaissance
Residents Give Thanks Pullman’s Renaissance
9th Ward Alderman Anthony A. Beale in partnership with the 9th Ward Senior Advisory Board, Chicago Police Department and other local elected officials, residents and community leaders hosted nearly 750 seniors at his 8th annual Thanksgiving Dinner last Thursday, Nov. 21, at the House of Hope in the historic Pullman neighborhood.
The residents give thanks for the community’s ongoing renewal which in just the past year alone has celebrated: the opening of the One Eleven Food Hall, the city’s first on the Far South Side and neighborhood’s first casual sit-down dining option; the new Gotham Greens greenhouse that brought 50 new jobs; the new Pullman Community Center (one-year anniversary), offering year-round activities and sports for seniors and people of all ages; the near completion and arrival of first new residents at Pullman Artspace Lofts, the innovative work/live space and first new multi-family development in 50 years; the new Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Illinois wellness center at the 111th Street Gateway Retail Center; and the completion of the renovated CTA Red Line Station at 95th Street.
The free dinner for the 9th ward seniors featured special appearances by Cook County Commissioner Deborah Sims, Representative Nick Smith (34TH), IL State Senator Elgie Sims (17th), Supreme Court Justice Scott Neville, and other community leaders. The dinner provided turkey, chicken and a choice of delicious sides and deserts, a gift give-away (flat screen televisions, gift baskets, more than 100 turkeys, gift cards), several raffle contests and live music.
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