South Side Organization To Create Photo Mural Project Celebrating Community History
In anticipation of a major construction project coming to the neighborhood, South Shore Works recently began collecting photos from community members which will be turned into a mural that tells the larger story of the history of South Shore, Jackson Park, and the south side of Chicago.
South Shore Works is a collaborative organization that brings together community stake holders in South Shore and gives them the opportunity to work together under the common goal of improving the community. Participating organizations and residents are organized into working groups that focus on specific subjects like housing, arts and culture, and economic development, according to Dr. Carol Adams of South Shore Works.
For the photo mural project, South Shore Works has partnered with Inner City Entertainment and Dorian Sylvain, the artist that is leading the project. Once completed, the photo mural will be displayed at the northwest corner of 71st Street and Jeffery Avenue at the site of the historic ShoreBank building which will soon be under construction.
Inner City Entertainment (ICE) is owned by South Shore resident Alisa Starks, who is developing a new entertainment complex that will be erected in place of the ShoreBank Building at the corner of 71st Street and Jeffery Avenue.
“There is a new development at 71st and Jeffery, for the purpose of entertainment, and it is going to have a multi-screen theater, performance spaces, restaurants, and all of that. The existing building is going to come down and so we were thinking about what was going to be in that space while the construction was happening and how we could do something that would be an engagement project while that happens. Construction sites sometimes have these really unsightly boards around the site so we wanted to do a community-centered mural in place of that to celebrate the history of South Shore,” said Adams.
Once complete, the new 50,000 square-foot entertainment complex will be home to a dine-in movie theater, a bowling alley, restaurants, and plenty of space for events, according to information provided by Inner City Entertainment.
In addition to the entertainment complex, South Shore Works is also anticipating construction of the future Obama Presidential Center in Jackson Park and Adams said that she hopes this photo mural will help South Shore residents to reflect on the history of the community as well as getting them excited for what the future has in store for them.
“What we want to say is put yourself in the picture and not just to put yourself in the picture of your past, but to see yourself here in the future. In South Shore we’re talking about development without displacement and we are talking about things getting better and us getting the kind of community we want and it being for us,” said Adams.
To contribute to the South Shore photo Mural, photos can be submitted to
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