Open House And Reel Black Filmmakers Networking Session
Open House And Reel Black Filmmakers Networking Session
Attend the Open House And Reel Black Filmmakers Networking Session if you are creative and can see yourself in visual media. Perhaps your talent is in camera operation, editing, writing stories, sound design, lighting or directing?
Find your filmmaking network on the South Side at Community Film Workshop. For 48 years, Community Film Workshop has been educating, providing internships and mentoring people of color, women and other groups disenfranchised in film production.
CFWC programs include professional hands on classes, Reel Black Filmmakers Screenings and Networking, Diverse Voices In Docs in partnership with Kartemquin Films, and The Digital Storytelling Initiative at the Logan Art Center. Youth In Motion is its youth video production program.
What: Open House And Reel Black Filmmakers Networking Session
When: Wednesday, November 20, 2019 from 5:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m.
Location: Community Film Workshop of Chicago In Residence at the Harris Park, 6200 S. Drexel Avenue
New class register now
1-on-1 Filmmaking Workshop
Dates: Saturday Nov.16 and Saturday, Nov. 23, 2019
Time: 10 am to 3 pm Total 10 hours
Cost: $225 Member
$250 Nonmember
A workshop for complete beginners to filmmaking, the 1-on-1 is structured to instruct participants on how to make 1-minute films. Participants will actually write, shoot, edit and finish their films in this 10-hr workshop.
Participants will perform roles as director, cameraperson and actor in their films. Films are shot concurrently and supervised by the instructor. On completion of their shoots, each 5-member group will edit their movies on their iPhones using the iMovie app. This workshop aims to empower a beginner with an overview of the entire filmmaking process through hands-on instruction.
Instructor: Sanjay Nambiar, CFWC graduate, filmmaker and founder of FilmCamp.TV
Community Film Workshop (773) 752-9335
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