DuSable Museum Releases New Interactive App

DuSable Museum Releases New Interactive App

By: Katherine Newman

The DuSable Museum of African American History launched its new

mobile app on Jan. 15 during the Museum’s annual Dr. Martin

Luther King Jr. Celebration event.

The release on Martin Luther King Jr. Day was a soft launch of the

app that DuSable Museum has been working on for nearly a year, according to Mark Hall, DuSable Museum’s IT Manager.

“DuSable Museum is a signature place on the south side of the City of Chicago. But this is a new DuSable Museum, a digital DuSable, and we want our visitors, both onsite and online, to experience the new DuSable,” said Hall.

Features included in the app are a smart map to path visitors’ exploration of the museum’s exhibits, scan image recognition technology for curated content, detail lens and marker to highlight details of the artworks, mini-games, and push notifications to

stay connected, according to a press release from the DuSable Museum.

“We want DuSable Museum visitors to download the app in order to have a different experience with the museum, an enhanced experience,” said Hall. “The new app creates a two-way, interactive journey. So, now, visitors can interact and engage with museum

exhibits from a digital platform right in the palm of their hand.”

During the launch, Museum app Ambassadors were on hand to help visitors download and engage with the new digital DuSable.

“Hopefully, the feedback we receive will help the museum to grow our audience by attracting new visitors who have an affinity for digital experiences when seeking out cultural signature places. We also will look to make improvements on the app as we receive user feedback during this soft launch phase of the release.

The DuSable Museum will conduct a more widespread campaign for the launch of the app through the month of February, according to Hall.

The DuSable Museum of African American History is one of the oldest institutions of its kind in the country. Their mission is to promote understanding and inspire an appreciation of the achievements, contributions, and experiences of African American and African history, culture and art.

For more information on the Museum and its programs visit www.dusablemuseum.org.

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