Department Heads Receive Above 2 Percent Raises in Glenwood

The board of trustees of the Village of Glenwood held a special meeting on Sept. 14, 2017 at the Glenwood Village Hall (pictured) to discuss a budget plan focused on community building. In the end, however,
five department heads received above two percent raises instead. Photo Credit: Citizen's staff photographer
The board of trustees of the Village of Glenwood held a special meeting on Sept. 14, 2017 at the Glenwood Village Hall (pictured) to discuss a budget plan focused on community building. In the end, however, five department heads received above two percent raises instead. Photo Credit: Citizen's staff photographer

Department Heads Receive Above 2 Percent Raises in Glenwood

By Christopher Shuttlesworth

After several months without any discussions on a budget, the board of trustees of the Village of Glenwood held a special meeting on Sept. 14, 2017 to discuss a budget plan but received puzzling news.

The Village of Glenwood board members include Mayor Ronald Gardiner, Clerk Dion Lynch, Trustee Brian Beckman, Trustee Ronald Clark, Trustee Miriam Slaughter, Trustee Paul Styles, Trustee Maxine Washington and Trustee Adam Winston.

Trustee Slaughter informed the Citizen that the special board meeting was scheduled to discuss a budget plan that would benefit the Village of Glenwood. But once the meeting began, other matters like certain pay-raises were discussed.

Slaughter explained that in the budget, five Department Heads of the Village of Glenwood was scheduled to receive above two percent pay-raises.

“We do not have enough money in our budget to have raises for all of these people,” she said. “If you drive through Glenwood it is dark at night because we don’t even have street lights to see.”

Ultimately, the special meeting ended with Trustee Winston, Washington and Slaughter voting “No” while everyone including Mayor Gardiner voted “Yes” for the above two percent pay-raises.

Slaughter acknowledged that Trustee Washington was very upset because the board couldn’t delegate money for future necessities but had money to give five department heads above two percent pay-raises.

Slaughter also noted that the above two percent pay-raise will also increase the five department heads’ pensions as well.

“The above 2 percent raise was over and beyond what they should be getting,” Slaughter said. “In my opinion, it is not responsible for the [Village board] to do this and to continue to have our community bleed. Our constituents need us to do what is right for them and not to consistently increase their taxes.”

Inside a Village of Glenwood document, it shows the five Department Heads of the Village of Glenwood scheduled to retroactively receive above two percent pay-raises include Glenwoodie Grounds Superintendent Eric Swanson, PGA Professional Phil Robins, Fire Chief Kevin Welch, Finance Director Linda Brunette and Patrick McAneney, director of public works.

The document pointed out that Village Administrator Eric Swanson's current salary stands at $90,421.76 but the above two percent raise and an additional $3,000 increase his salary to $95,230. PGA Professional Phil Robins current salary is $72,000 but the above two percent raise increase his salary to $73,440. Fire Chief Kevin Welch currently makes $102, 571 but the above two percent raise and an additional $16,000 increase his salary to $120,622.

Linda Brunette, finance director currently makes $83,821 but the above two percent raise and an additional $2,000 increase his salary to $87, 497. Patrick McAneney, director of public works currently makes $91,795 but the above two percent raise and an additional $12,000 increase his salary to $120,622. As a result, this leaves only $67,000 for an assistant administrator position.

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