Obama Foundation Announces Civic Summit
Obama Foundation Announces Civic Summit
By Christopher Shuttlesworth
The Obama Foundation recently announced that it will invite 500 civic leaders from Chicago, the United States and across the world, to the upcoming Obama Foundation Summit on Oct. 31 and Nov. 1.
During the Obama Foundation Summit, young civic leaders will participate in a hands-on exchange of ideas empowering individuals to create positive change within their communities, according to an Obama Foundation release.
Former President Barack Obama explained in an Obama Foundation’s letter, that he and Former First Lady Michelle Obama initially launched this new experiment in modern citizenship --the Obama Foundation-- to help more people find their own voice.
It will be a place [for young leaders] to share their stories, learn from one another and then go back to your communities to lead others in the hard work of change,” Obama stated. “It will also help guide our Foundation as we continue to design programs that
connect and support the next generation of young leaders here in
the United States and around the globe.”
The Former President continued to say that the Obama Foundation Summit will spotlight the incredible individuals and projects around the world that are making an impact and convene those that are tackling challenges in their own backyards.
“We want to lift up the amazing work organizers, inventors, artists, entrepreneurs, journalists and others are doing -- and if we do it right, together we’ll show the world that each of us has a role to play in our civic life,” Obama said.
Summit participants will attend five main stage sessions with talks on topics ranging from motivating young people to choose a civic path to technology’s role in creating equitable and inclusive communities.
An initial selection of main stage speakers includes: His Royal Highness Prince Henry of Wales, Matteo Renzi, Former Prime Minister of Italy, Whitney Kimball Coe, Director of the National Rural Assembly, Hamdi Ulukaya, humanitarian and Founder of Chobani, Bahia
Shebab, artist, Brian Alexander, journalist and author, Tod Williams and Billie Tsien, Obama Presidential Center architects and more.
“We look forward to joining these leaders, Chance [the Rapper] and Gloria Estefan in an event that inspires individuals to see themselves as change agents and celebrate civic engagement,” David Simas, Chief
Executive Officer of the Obama Foundation said in a press release.
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