Congressman Bobby L. Rush Hosts First Military Academy Day
Congressman Bobby L. Rush Hosts First Military Academy Day
United States Congressman Bobby L. Rush recently hosted his first Congressional District Military Academy Day and informed students and parents of the educational opportunities at the U.S. Service Academies.
The five service academies for students to consider include the
U.S. Military Academy, U.S. Naval Academy, U.S. Air Force Academy, U.S. Coast Guard Academy and the U.S. Merchant Marine Academy.
If selected as a service academy cadet, students receive a first-class education and a four-year scholarship, graduating as a commissioned officer ready for military service.
During the Congressional District Military Academy Day, Rico Hilliard, who is a 2nd Lieutenant and admission advisor for the United States Air Force Academy, said he didn’t even know anything about the Air Force Academy until a representative shared their own experience with him.
“Imagine, someone from inner-city Washington D.C. who didn’t even think
about the opportunities that the Air Force had, but I took advantage of them and studied abroad in Portugal and flew a TA50 aircraft, which was great,” Hilliard said.
He explained that during his four years at the academy he was able to travel
overseas to study Political Science and obtain a minor in Portuguese.
“For Political Science, I had the opportunity to go to Hong Kong for a month
where I studied Political Theory and Political Philosophy with people all across
Asia,” Hilliard said. “In addition, I studied in Portugal for four months and was
able to earn my Minor degree in Portuguese.”
He continued to say, “this was awesome because it was an opportunity to be away from the academy and wear regular civilian clothes every day and interact with Europeans.”
Captain Timothy Berry, Great Lakes Outreach Officer (USMA 2013) United States Military Academy told each student that one of the biggest things that he took away from the Military Academy was the importance of building relationships and bonds with people from all walks of life.
“This will nurture you, help you grow and become a better person, officer and citizen,” Berry said.
Berry noted that it’s important for each student to hone their reading and writing skills because communication is important in all academies. He also shared with the students that during their stay at the Academy, their superiors will put them in uncomfortable situations to bring out the best in them.
“A lot of these academies are going to ask a whole lot of you,” Berry said. “They’re going to ask you to do things that you’re not comfortable to do so you need to make sure you have something within yourself that you can take away from the institution.”
He noted that the application process is competitive for each academy, but the investment is worth it.
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