The Chicago Public Library recently announced the $12 million expansion of the Whitney M. Young Junior Library, which is expected to be completed in 2018. Photo Credit: Christopher Shuttlesworth
The Chicago Public Library recently announced the $12 million expansion of the Whitney M. Young Junior Library, which is expected to be completed in 2018. Photo Credit: Christopher Shuttlesworth

City Expands Whitney M. Young Junior Library For 2018

By Christopher Shuttlesworth

Mayor Rahm Emanuel, Chicago Public Library (CPL) Commissioner Brian Bannon and Alderman Roderick Sawyer of the sixth ward recently announced the nearly $12 million renovation and expansion of the Whitney M. Young Junior Library, located at 7901 S. King Drive.

Patrick Molloy, CPL’s director of government and public affairs explained that CPL recently conducted a system wide study on every Chicago libraries’ computer utilization rates and Whitney M. Young Junior library had one of the highest computer utilization rates overall.

“The Whitney M. Young Junior Library’s location was identified as being highly utilized and it was outgrowing space and needed major new investments,” Molloy said. “90 percent of the time, the computers were being used so we definitely identified a need for more technology, early learning and teen spaces in the branch.”

The new Whitney M. Young Junior branch is expected to be

completed in 2018. Inside, the branch will have additional computers and seating along with a digital skills training program through the Library’s Cyber Navigator program, according to a cityofchicago press release.

“There will be a built-in early learning play space for children zero to five years old,” Molloy said. “For teens there will be a YOUmedia, digital space for sound recording and more. There will also be a new large community room with two study rooms and additional parking for the community.”

He continued to highlight that CPL plans to partner with local

community initiatives to increase adult education and digital literacy, which is necessary in the 21st century.

“We’re extremely excited,” Molloy said. “It’s important to invest in children from a young age and our new program for children is about offering tools to parents and caretakers and giving them the tools to reciprocate of what we’re doing with the children when they’re in the library space.”

The new Whitney M. Young Junior branch will provide the

neighborhood with a modern library space that will include a 3,000- 5,000 square foot expansion, which will increase the branch to 14,000- 16,000 square feet, according to a cityofchicago press release.

For more information, you can visit city/en/depts/mayor/press_room/press_releases/2016/april/Mayor- Emanuel-Announces-Renovation-Library.html.

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