St. Bernard Hospital Donates To Englewood Families

The staff at St. Bernard Hospital recently celebrated their 25th Annual Adopt-A-Family program by giving food, toys, clothing, gift cards and other items to 53 families including 15 seniors who live alone. Photo Credit: Christopher Shuttlesworth
The staff at St. Bernard Hospital recently celebrated their 25th Annual Adopt-A-Family program by giving food, toys, clothing, gift cards and other items to 53 families including 15 seniors who live alone. Photo Credit: Christopher Shuttlesworth

St. Bernard Hospital Donates To Englewood Families

By Christopher Shuttlesworth

In an effort to make the holidays brighter, St. Bernard Hospital staff recently celebrated their 25th Annual Adopt-A-Family program

by giving food, toys, clothing, gift cards and other items to 53 families including 15 seniors who live alone.

Families and seniors in need met with the St. Bernard Hospital’s 46 Department staff members who adopted them. All families received holiday gifts, according to a St. Bernard Hospital press release.

Families were pre-selected based on economic need, which many of them receive medical care at St. Bernard and have been identified by hospital social workers or nurses.

“Whole departments at St. Bernard Hospital opened their hearts and wallets to assist families and seniors living alone during the holiday season,” said Diahann Sinclair, vice president of Organizational and Community Development. It is our desire to bring some joy to these families who might not have a Christmas dinner and whose children might not receive toys or clothes.”

Evelyn Jones, vice president of Nursing Services at St. Bernard Hospital, said a lot of our families really don’t have enough income for Christmas due to having to pay necessary bills.

“Sometimes families do without Christmas and often the children may not get a lot for Christmas,” Jones said. “ “Seniors may not have anyone visiting them so we want to make their holiday a cheerful one.”

Each family was able to receive a 12-pound turkey and food baskets which included macaroni and cheese, cranberry sauce, cornbread mix, canned vegetables and canned milk.

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