Fashion in Revolt Targets Emerging Fashion Designers

Joseph Benjamin, Editor-in-Chief of Fashion in Revolt (PRNewsFoto/Fashion in Revolt)
Joseph Benjamin, Editor-in-Chief of Fashion in Revolt (PRNewsFoto/Fashion in Revolt)

Fashion in Revolt Targets Emerging Fashion Designers

Fashion in Revolt is a newly established fashion publication dedicated to the development and success of current and emerging fashion designers. Revolting against boring, dogmatic content that barely scratches the surfaces of what millennials are looking for in online magazines. FIR is finding a new and interactive way to use social engagement tactics to engage with millennials. FIR is the first fashion publication to included social justice causes to create a significant impact on the millennial generation. Social justice causes are culturally significant to millennials and how they interact with brands.

Influenced by culture, spearheaded by diversity and humanity. FIR is a gender neutral publication supporting all walks of life. Breaking stereotypes and rules to create a publication for the new millennial. FIR created a business culture to promote values of integrity and diversity while focusing on fashion and social causes.

In the age where pop-culture is just as important as world-culture, the dissemination of content is changing. Social media is where millennials are connecting to what is happening in the world. FIR produces content millennials want to see, and in the way, they want to see it.

Joseph Benjamin, founder of Fashion in Revolt says, “Millennials are looking for a magazine that breaks barriers, they are not looking for a publication to tell them what is socially acceptable. We are starting a revolt against stereotypes, gender rules, everything else that plagues our society.”

Fashion in Revolt is a nontraditional online fashion magazine that seeks to engage and inspire as much as inform. Offering rich and relevant content that reflects millennial personality and vivacity.

Fashion in Revolt a Los Angeles, CA-based online fashion magazine that produces content in the areas of, Events & Entertainment and Fashion, Beauty & Lifestyle. Since 2015, for more information on Fashion in Revolt, please call 213-284-1737 or visit

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