Santa’s Helpers Visit Hundreds of Youngsters at Olive-Harvey College
It was a hard year for Michelle Daniels.
The 35-year-old woman was unable to work for four months because she suffered liver problems. As a result, Daniels told her four children that Santa might not show up this year.
“It was rough,” said Daniels, a part-time postal carrier. “I am still trying to catch up on my bills.”
But on Saturday, Daniels and her family received support from some of Santa’s helpers. Daniels’ children joined 400 others as recipients of toys, bicycles, clothes and other gifts at the Christmas in the Wards at Olive-Harvey College, 10001 S. Woodlawn Ave., Chicago.
Among the gifts that the Daniels children received: two bicycles, two coats, a doll and a remote control toy truck. Her children are ages 16, 14, seven, three and two.
“I am thankful, thankful,” Daniels said. “I had a hard year. But it is ending on a good note now.”
Organizers of the event also singled out some youth for special recognition.
Computer devices were given to the Wendell Phillips High School state champion football team and to the Jackie Robinson West baseball team.
Several political figures also attended the event, including Cook County Board Chairman Toni Preckwinkle, U.S. Rep Danny Davis (7th Dist.) and U.S. Rep. Bobby Rush (1st Dist.).
“This is an annual event that speaks to the heart of our community,” Rush said. “It is all about giving.”
Chicago Ald. Michelle Harris (8th Ward), who voluntarily worked several hours helping to hand out toys and other gifts, said she loves giving back to the community.
Christmas In the Wards is an annual charitable program started by businessman Larry Huggins. He started the Christmas program to help needy children after former Ald. Terry Peterson (17th Ward) asked him about starting one in the Englewood neighborhood.
It has since grown to help children throughout the area. Many of the children are invited to the Christmas program by their teachers in their schools. This year the program raised about $125,000 to help with gifts, Huggins said.
“I came from a single family household,” Huggins said. “It was hard for my family to get toys. . . But the lord has now blessed me to give back.”
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